Our archive page contains links to all our issues, past or present. You can revisit your favorite pieces or find new ones here. Current publications will also be on the home page. You can also browse by writer to see their most recent works that have been published by Inkwell Literary Magazine. Enjoy!
Volume VI, Issue 6: Dazed
Welcome, Inkwell readers! We are excited to bring you the beautiful pieces our staff has written reflecting this month’s theme, “Dazed.” Dazed: “unable to think clearly or act normally due to injury,
Volume VI, Issue 5: Whimsy
Hello again, Inkwell readers! Dreams can be bizarre and unpredictable, but so can reality. Our writers have worked diligently to bring you their interpretation of the unexpected through "Whimsy." Whimsy: playfully quaint or
Volume VI, Issue 4: Ripple
Hello again, Inkwell readers! We have come to the last issue of the semester where we present the last element: water. Our writers have worked diligently to bring you their interpretation of the
Volume VI, Issue 3: Forge
Hello again, Inkwell readers! In our last two issues, we have covered earth and wind through "Drought" and "Flurry." With only two elements left for the semester, we are proud to present the
Volume VI, Issue 2: Flurry
Hello again, Inkwell readers! In our first issue, we looked at earth and the deserts we trek through in life. Now, we move to the skies on the wings of the wind. While
Volume VI, Issue 1: Drought
Hello again, Inkwell readers! The element of Earth has so many lessons to teach and sceneries to be admired. Pause to take in God's creation that surrounds you every day. Our writers have
2024 BJU English Division Writing Contest Winners
Inkwell Literary Magazine is pleased to present the winners of Bob Jones University's English Division creative writing contest!
Volume V, Issue 8: Legacy
Hello again, Inkwell readers! We are proud to present our final issue of the semester, “Legacy.” Legacy: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past In our
Volume V, Issue 7: Nostalgia
Happy Friday, Inkwell readers! We are so excited to present our third issue of the semester, “Nostalgia.” Nostalgia: a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or
Volume V, Issue 6: Nomad
Inkwell Literary Magazine is pleased to present a very special second issue of the semester, “Nomad.” Nomad: an individual who roams about In a literal interpretation of the definition, a nomad could be
Volume V, Issue 5: Roots
Happy Friday, Inkwell readers! We are pleased to present our first full issue of the semester, “Roots.” In this issue our writers delve into both factual and fictional origin stories. Protagonists protect their
Volume V, Issue 4: Vindication
Season’s Greetings, Inkwell readers! We’ve made it to the end of the semester, and I personally could not be more proud of our staff for all their hard work in the
Volume V, Issue 3: Defeat
Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, Inkwell readers! We’re certainly thankful for our upcoming holiday break; schoolwork and extracurriculars seem to snowball this time of year and can leave us feeling overwhelmed and ready to
Volume V, Issue 2: Contention
Inkwell Literary Magazine is pleased to present “Contention,” our second issue of the semester. Contention: a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument; rivalry, competition. For this issue in particular, we
Volume V, Issue 1: Disturbance
Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present its first issue of the 2023–2024 school year, “Disturbance.” Disturbance: an interruption of a state of peace, quiet, or calm. Whether it’s a pirate’
Volume IV, Issue 8: Repose
This issue is a special milestone for multiple Inkwell writers. For the seniors on our staff, “Repose” is the last issue of their college careers. We want to extend our congratulations to our
Volume IV, Issue 7: Clarity
First Corinthians 13:12 says, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been
Volume IV, Issue 6: Sorrow
Sorrow is a prevalent part of every human being’s life. In Scripture, Psalm 13 is one of many examples of sorrowful appeal: “How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How
Volume IV, Issue 5: Fragility
In Psalm 103, David paints one of the most poignant images of the transience of humanity: “As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
Volume IV, Issue 4: Survival
Inkwell Literary Magazine presents the final issue of 2022: Survival! As the semester draws to a close, the Inkwell staff applauds the endurance of the student body during a time when giving up
Volume IV, Issue 3: Breakthrough
Inkwell Literary Magazine is pleased to release Breakthrough! As the semester approaches the season of capstones, papers, and final projects, the Inkwell staff celebrates the little victories, whether making new discoveries, conquering difficult
Volume IV, Issue 2: Resistance
Inkwell Literary Magazine is pleased to release Resistance! Our writers and editors have certainly faced resistance in the publication process, but all have deftly juggled their coursework and their creative capacities this month.
Volume IV, Issue 1: Ability
Greetings! Inkwell Literary Magazine is excited to present the first issue of the 2022-23 school year! Whether you are a returning reader or are just discovering Inkwell for the first time, we invite
Volume III, Issue 8: Empowerment
Today is a special day for our Inkwell staff and all the Bob Jones University community! Today is graduation day for the class of 2022. We want to wish hearty congratulations to our
Volume III, Issue 7: Balance
After withdrawing from the chaos of new beginnings, we’ve come back to find a sense of balance . . . or lack thereof! Our writers have enjoyed exploring this theme for our April issue as
Volume III, Issue 6: Withdrawal
Here at BJU, we’re only one week away from spring break. As we’re all looking forward to taking a break from the life of a college student, Inkwell Literary Magazine is
Volume III, Issue 5: Chaos
King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 3, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” As our semester is beginning to ramp up and our schedules
Volume III, Issue 4: Hearth
Our schedules and finals may be frightful, but this issue of Inkwell Literary Magazine is surely delightful. As our staff is finishing the fall semester here at Bob Jones University, we are looking
Volume III, Issue 3: Heroism
Helen Keller said, “The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” Our writers on
Volume III, Issue 2: Haunt
By the pricking of our thumbs, something spooky this way comes! We at Inkwell Literary Magazine have loved exploring our latest theme for this issue. We have several staff writers who are making
Volume III, Issue 1: Hubris
Greetings! We at Inkwell Literary Magazine are delighted to present our first issue of the 2021-22 academic school year. Whether you are a regular reader or are just discovering Inkwell for the first
Volume II, Issue 8: Wistfulness
We here at Inkwell Literary Magazine are truly feeling this theme as we come to the end of our second volume and say goodbye to several staffers who are graduating and continuing their
Volume II, Issue 7: Escapism
We at Inkwell Literary Magazine are proud to present our seventh issue of this year, “Escapism.” Escapism: habitual diversion of the mind to purely imaginative activity or entertainment as an escape from reality
Volume II, Issue 6: Assumptions
Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present our sixth issue of the 2020-2021 school year, "Assumptions." This issue comes after the one year anniversary of our very first issue, "Reversal," which was released
Volume II, Issue 5: Initiation
Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present our first issue of 2021, “Initiation.” Initiation: "The action of beginning; moving from innocence to experience or maturity; recognizing a truth." Our writers have thought long
Volume II, Issue 4: Fulfillment
As we come to the end of our semester here at Bob Jones University, Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present our last issue of the year, “Fulfillment.” Fulfillment: the achievement of something
Volume II, Issue 3: Companionship
Inkwell Literary Magazine proudly presents our third issue of volume 2, “Companionship.” Companionship: "The fellowship that exists among intimate friends or associates." In the depths of the inkwell, we’ve found the strength
Volume II, Issue 2: Willpower
The staff at Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to release our second issue of the semester, “Willpower.” Willpower: “Control exerted to do something or restrain impulses; strength of character and firmness of purpose.
Volume II, Issue 1: Quests
As Bob Jones University began its quest to survive its first COVID-19 semester, we at Inkwell Literary Magazine began our quest to produce our second volume of works. And by the grace of
Volume I, Issue 4: Refuge
In this midst of the stress, confusion, and fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, Inkwell Literary Magazine has loved exploring “Refuge” as the theme of our fourth issue. Our writers have probed the depths
Volume I, Issue 3: Uprising
Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present its third issue, “Uprising.” We are so thankful for this theme as we watch those who are rising up around the globe to fight for the
Volume I, Issue 2: Optimism
With the release of our second issue, Inkwell Literary Magazine is looking forward to a future filled with creative works that push people to look beyond their circumstances, to think outside the box,
Volume I, Issue 1: Reversal
Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present our first issue. Our writers are excited to share their latest works with you. Our literary theme is reversal: an act or the process of reversing;