Hello Inkwell Readers! As we wrap up this semester, we are excited to give you a sneak peek to our last issue: Ripple. Last issue, our writers showed us what they saw in the fires of "Forge." In this issue, water quenches those flames with calming ripples. We are thrilled to give a peek to next week's issue through "The Echoes of Friendship" by Vivian Waite.
When we hear the word "water" a plethora of images comes to mind– each one starkly different. However, when we narrow that to ripples in a pond, the images sharpen to something more specific. All ripples start with a disturbance in the water, slowly growing and expanding. Our writers have taken that image and have applied it to friendships, problems in their lives, and even the peacefulness of the Garden of Eden. Conclude our adventure with us this semester through "Ripple."
We hope you enjoy Vivian Waite's poem and check back, December 6th, for the full issue of "Ripple."