Hello again, Inkwell readers. Today we’d like to present a sneak peek at our last issue of the semester, “Vindication.”
Trenton Goldsmith’s poem “Who can blame?” ruminates on the highs and lows that come with living. When things don’t go our way, our first instinct is usually to point fingers and place blame, to conjure up a scapegoat, a reason why things went wrong. As humans, we desire order: every effect must have a cause. And while God ordains everything that happens in our lives, sometimes He does not provide an answer when we ask Him why He allows certain things to occur. In these cases, we must not merely shift the blame we seek to place—we must let it dissolve entirely. Because we are humans living in a broken world, we are going to experience pain no matter what, even if we do everything right. And because we are humans living in God’s world, we are going to experience His glory and goodness no matter what, even if we do everything wrong.
We hope you enjoy Trenton’s poem, and we look forward to sharing “Vindication” in its entirety next Friday, December 8.