Hello Inkwell Readers! As we approach the quickly ending semester, we are excited to give you a sneak peek to our next issue: Forge. Last issue, our writers showed us what the power of the wind meant to them. In this issue, flames dance and purify what's already here. We are thrilled to give a peek to next week's issue through "The Waiting" by Joy Hast.
When we normally think of fire, we see the flames licking the trunks of trees or the dying embers in a fireplace. However, not all fires are seen. When someone's passion lights a fuse beneath them, we see fire in their eyes. When we push our endurance past our body's breaking point, we feel fire in our chest, engulfing our tired limbs as we press on.
We hope you enjoy Joy Hast's poem and check back next week, November 8th, for the full issue of "Forge."