Inkwell Literary Magazine is so excited to present this next issue, as it comes on the heels of our one year anniversary since our first issue, "Reversal." Our staff has come such a long way in so short of a time, and we have seen God work in amazing ways through our team, our writing, and the community to whom we get to minister. We'd like to thank all our readers - those who have been with us from the beginning and those who are just finding us for the first time - supporters, and contributors for helping us get to this point. But most importantly, we want to thank God. We could never have assumed how much He would bless us. So, it gives us great joy to present a sneak peak of our latest issue, "Assumptions."
Assumptions: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Enjoy this preview, "Ballad O' Chernobyl", by poet Renee Kalagayan. Renee said about this poem, "This ballad is written in the traditional Scottish dialect and is about the Swedes' discovery of the Soviet Union's nuclear facility accident at Chernobyl. Swedish scientists were the first to discover the high amounts of wind-transmitted radioactivity and exposed the Soviets' attempted cover-up."

Don't forget to submit your creative work for "Assumptions" by March 16th. Send work to
"Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil." Proverbs 3:7 ESV