Welcome, Inkwell readers! We are delighted to present you with our third issue of the semester, “Creature.”
Creature: “something created either animate or inanimate: such as an animal, a human being, or a being of anomalous or uncertain aspect or nature” (Merriam-Webster).
As the earth begins to awaken again after its long winter rest, it’s hard not to notice the life resurfacing around us. Springtime often draws our attention to all the living creatures around us, and sometimes, to the very fact that we too, are living, finite, cyclical creatures.
What does it mean to exist as a creature in our world, a fictional world, or your own individual life? Not only can we imagine and experience a myriad of other created beings, but our own identities are inevitably tied to our creature-ness. Our issue, “Creature,” draws inspiration straight from age-old relationship of creature and Creator as we move through the rhythms of life.
We hope you enjoy “Creature”! A PDF copy is available here.