We're Back!

Classes have returned, and so has Inkwell Literary Magazine! As the semester opens, our staff is certainly experiencing the excitements and anxieties of a new school year. We hope that all of our readers are able to relate to our first theme of the semester: ability!

Ability: possession of the means or skill to do something; talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.

In this new adjustment period, we can't wait to read about our writers' most enabling experiences, whether it be newfound confidence in a class or craft, overcoming a personal challenge, or discovering potential in a rigorous field. We'll be sending out a special sneak peek of the issue on September 16!

Send in your submissions for "Ability" to our Editor-in-Chief, Renee Kalagayan, at skala146@students.bju.edu, and be sure to look for our very first issue of the 2022–23 year on September 23!