Volume VI, Issue 7: Creature Announcement

Hello, Inkwell readers, welcome to the start of Spring! As the earth begins to awaken again after its long winter rest, it’s hard not to notice the life resurfacing around us. Springtime often draws our attention to all the living creatures around us, and sometimes, to the very fact that we too, are living, finite, cyclical creatures. Our next issue, “Creature,” draws inspiration straight from age-old relationship of creature and Creator as we move through the rhythms of life.

What does it mean to exist as a creature in our world, a fictional world, or your own individual life? Our identities are inevitably tied to our creature-ness, so we’re excited to explore different ways that this reality manifests itself as we continue to write about the life all around us, inside us, and above us.

As always, we would love submissions from you! If our theme inspires you and you would like to submit your own work for this issue, please follow the instructions on our Submissions page. Be sure to submit your work by Wednesday, March 12th!