Volume V, Issue 8: Legacy

Hello again, Inkwell readers! We are proud to present our final issue of the semester, “Legacy.”

Legacy: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past

In our overarching theme of home, we’ve examined and expressed how our roots shape who we are, how embarking on our own as a nomad develops us into who we will become, and how nostalgia reflects who we were. And now, we ponder how our legacy will affect the people and places we call home.

Several of our staff will leave behind legacies of creativity, enthusiasm, and dedication upon graduating in May. They are Maria Izzi, photographer; Peyton McGinnis, web editor; Eden Rowland, secretary and poetry writer; Maleah Stouffer, lead designer; and myself, Katie Lilly, editor-in-chief.

This has been an incredible year for Inkwell Literary Magazine. We achieved official status as a Bob Jones University organization, hosted our first Bible Conference fundraiser, opened our monthly Writers’ Circle workshops to the student body, and held our second annual poetry reading. But we would not be where we are today were it not for the past work of Inkwell alumni, the assistance of our faculty advisor Emma Stephens, and, most importantly, the grace of God. Those of us who are graduating are excited to see what the Lord has in store for the magazine in the future, and we are certain Inkwell will continue to grow and reflect the incredible God-given talents of students and alumni of Bob Jones University.

We hope you enjoy “Legacy.” A PDF copy is available here.