Volume IV, Issue 1: Ability

Greetings! Inkwell Literary Magazine is excited to present the first issue of the 2022-23 school year! Whether you are a returning reader or are just discovering Inkwell for the first time, we invite you to share in our work as we kick off our fourth year of publication!

1 Peter 1:5 reminds us that believers are “kept by the power of God” (KJV). As the pressures of the semester increase, assignments pile up, and responsibilities surround us, the Inkwell staff is remembering that even under intense stressors, nothing is too difficult for the Lord (Gen. 18:14). We are pleased to present “Ability”!

Ability: possession of the means or skill to do something; talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.

We know that God enables His children to accomplish all that He wills. Our writers have experienced this enabling power firsthand, and many have also felt the sting of our own inability, and some, the frustrations of disability. We hope you enjoy our writers’ explorations of the theme. This issue, Inkwell is also thrilled to feature guest submissions by a BJU alumna, Grace Taber, and a current student, Valy.

Read our issue below or download a PDF of the issue here!