Volume III, Issue 6: Withdrawal

Here at BJU, we’re only one week away from spring break. As we’re all looking forward to taking a break from the life of a college student, Inkwell Literary Magazine is proud to present our second issue of the semester, Withdrawal.

Withdrawal: the act of taking back or away something that has been granted or possessed.

In the chaos that seems to fill our world now, we know how easy it is to want to withdraw from everything, even the things and people you love. But in the chaos, it’s important to remember that while withdrawing for a break can be a good thing, to withdraw indefinitely can have worse consequences than staying in the chaos.

Our writers have explored this concept of withdrawal, of finding rest in the chaos, and of avoiding the temptation to hide away forever. We hope you enjoy this issue and that it encourages you not to withdraw permanently while giving you the strength to come back to the chaos with new resolve and energy.

Read our issue below or download a PDF of the issue here.

"In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues." - Psalm 31:20 NIV