Variation of Psalm 37

Like a ship crashing between waves,
I’m tossed far from the shore–
Resisting the urge to give up,
But I can’t go on anymore.
Like the uncontrollable tide,
My enemies gather around me,
Drowning me–doubts multiplied:
“God does not deliver.”
Lord, where can I fly?
On whom can I rely?

Like the sand shifting beneath the waves,
My foundation shakes under me–
Casting me toward my grave,
Cutting off my lungs from relief.
Where is rest in sorrow?
Where is tranquility in turmoil?
Evil rages like the sea,
Suffocating hope in its depths.
Lord, where can I flee?
How can I find refuge in thee?

Like the sun breaking through clouds,
Your grace shines down on me–
Rescuing me from the depths
Of my doubt. To thee
Do I entrust my life,
And I hear  your gentle voice–
“Align your path with mine;
I control the waves, drive the winds,
And command the tides.
In me, you may safely abide .”