Our Journey

Our journey often leads

To places we know well,

To places often trod

With heavy footsteps fell.


Our journey often leads

To places yet unknown,

To places left untouched

Where never seed was sown.


Our path may not be neat

Or trimmed with bushes green

Or paved with pebbles smooth

Nor marked for cities seen.


But a journey is for learning,

For setting forth,

For seizing time.


A journey is for teaching,

For sharing truth,

For knowledge prime.


Our quest is not all smiles

Nor are our minds at ease,

But we have hope in Him

Of who’s vast might we seize.


Our journey often leads

To faces yet unknown,

To faces not yet touched

By His Great Grace alone.


Our journey often leads

To faces now known well,

To faces shining bright,

Abundant truth to tell.