Fulfillment: VII Issue 4 Preview

As our semester is drawing to a close, Inkwell Literary Magazine is looking back on the most unique college semester in human history - in fact, one of the most unique years in human history. We have been left with hopes and dreams unfulfilled, disappointments and heartbreak, and even the loss of loved ones.

    But we don't want to leave it there; for even as we have found sorrow in this year, we know that fulfillment is coming.

    Fulfillment: the achievement of something desired, promised, or predicted.

     We are hopeful and looking forward to the future with hopes of a vaccine for the virus that has rocked our world, with joy and thankfulness that we have been able to finish our semester in person at our beloved University, and with readiness and courage to come back again next year after celebrating the holidays with our families. We know that God has a plan, and we are so excited to see it brought into fulfillment. The Inkwell family is very excited to see the fulfillment of our personal dreams coming true for this organization as we close our second semester of production.

    So, we are delighted to present this preview of Issue 4 by one of our new creative nonfiction writers, Hannah Zellers. Please enjoy this piece, "Tears and Tacos", and be inspired to hold out for fulfillment.

Tears and Tacos
Food. Good food. Very good food. I could smell the aroma wafting down thecarpeted stairway. The smell grew stronger as I followed my nose down thehallway like a hound dog on the trail of tacos. My roommate and I had received an invitation to a Taco Night hosted for thespecial-diet individuals at…

    We are also excited to continue reading your submissions for this issue! Send in your best work to submissions@inkwellmagazine.com.

    "The Lord upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing." - Psalm 145:14-16 ESV