An Elegy
Are any of these colors suitable
To reflect a life so greatly missed?
To show the difference you made
Through how you lived?
How to choose even one flower for your grave:
Red? For genuine love––
Leading your family and congregation
With the steadfast love of God.
For courage in death, saying,
“Grace will lead me home.”
Yellow? For authentic joy ––
Encouraging through advice,
Smiling with gratitude
For children, grandchildren, and posterity.
“Thanks be to the Lord, for me He pursued.”
Blue? For eternal peace––
From suffering you are free,
Resting in the glory of God,
Worshiping face to face.
“Praise God for salvation’s security .”
Indigo? For true wisdom––
Guiding through health’s uncertainty,
Teaching the Word of the Lord,
Urging your family to keep the faith––
“Serve Him wholeheartedly.”
How to choose what’s right––
A single shade would be
An inadequate selection.
Reaching down, I gather all these:
A bouquet representing your legacy.
Dedicated to Philip Platz
January 12, 1948–August 7, 2022